I helgen blir det extra mycket tindrande! 12/12 har skolbarnen luciafirande Lucian Johanna Gardell 2006. 13/12 sjunger barnen fr?n Väskinde barnkör i Lokrume kyrka kl 18. 14/12 firas Luciamässa i kyrkan med ungdomskören och MIO b.../b
Am now enjoying my few days of holiday in Lokrume. Have so far both been readin and worn my flipflops so I am delighted. Main target for this weekend is thus achieved. Will be going in to Visby tomorrow to wonder planelessly for a while ...
I was gonna update today. But then my mother came over for dinner. And now I'm tired. If anyone wonders I'll be in Lokrume for the rest of the week. Reading and wearing flip-flops.